Fun & Interesting



Regz 即 Regulations規則之意,SmashRegz 的創作宗旨在於 "打破成規" ,他們把矛頭指向那些僵固且單一化的觀念,以多變、流動的韻律與修辭作為音樂機器,將種種腐朽事物打碎為微粒後,堆聚排列,組件並生產出風格化的饒舌樂作品。
In the summer of 2008, three artists, each with their own unique creative formulas, joined forces and formed SmashRegz. As a portmanteau of the words “smash” and “regulations,” the implications are quite apparent. Through the process of creative destruction, these three artists have challenged the monotony of the music industry through their dynamic rhythms and rhymes, ultimately forming a unique and revolutionary philosophy. To truly experience SmashRegz, you cannot simply listen passively—you must fully immerse yourself into uncharted musical territories and participate in their mission to expand horizons. The revolution to overturn and reconstruct the perceived status