Fun & Interesting



「大学生盆栽系YouTuber」松澤智朗|盆栽と相思相愛なDK|弟子入りをして盆栽の魅力を世界に発信しつつ盆栽を活用した地域活性化を実施中。日本テレビ超無敵クラスや日本経済新聞他多数のメディアに出演・掲載。|SDGs探究AWARDS受賞|#makers_u18 9期生

High School Bonsai YouTuber Matsuzawa Tomoro|A male high school student who is in love with bonsai|An apprentice who is currently using bonsai to revitalize local communities while communicating the appeal of bonsai to the world. He has appeared and published in Nippon Television's Super Invincible Class, Nihon Keizai Shimbun, and many other media. | Awarded the SDGs Exploration AWARDS|#makers_u18 9th graders