Fun & Interesting

로시_Rohsy Table

로시_Rohsy Table

Home Baking Upgrade♡ with rohsy

Thank you for coming to my home baking channel.
My know-how hides in every video.
Because it is not my preference to look beautiful only
My video is less glamorous.
But I want to share with you, practical recipe, video for your foundation, good things as gifts.
Or things to eat right tomorrow!
I will practice pretty cakes. I would like to do that with you.

I taught baking credentials and home baking at the academy.
I'm out of work now, and getting closer to the oven at home.
I am familiar with large ovens but home baking with small ovens is unfamiliar.
So I opened up the channel to make various things with you.

Oven cooking and baking together with detailed explanation.
Let's start with it !?

I want to show you the videos that is still lacking but it is getting better.
I always wait for my friend to burn bread with me.

From. Baking Rohsy