Law of Attraction, Ho’oponopono Inner Child tools, Forgiveness techniques, Chants & Guided Meditations by Dr. Karishma Ahuja
About Dr. Karishma Ahuja
Dr. Ahuja is a renowned Metaphysical Teacher with profound expertise in the Law of Attraction, Forgiveness therapies, and inner child healing based on Letting Go technique of Ho’oponopono. Dr. Ahuja has written over 500 articles and coached thousands of people over the last 16 years. She is the Author of 2 Powerful Self-help books - "The Healing Power of Words" and "The Healing Power of Gratitude."
You can order your copies of the books here:
Dr. Karishma has a weekly column in "The Hindustan Times" and regularly shares her inputs for success on her Blog: and on other online portals like Times of India, Zee News, Midday, Tax Guru etc.