Donna Schwenk's journey revolved around rediscovering the body and understanding its intricate design, enabling one to tap into the immense power of the 100 trillion microbes residing within. After nearly two decades of producing and consuming cultured foods, she watched with joy as probiotic research progressed rapidly. The profound effects of these microbes had transformed her life in ways she had never anticipated, and she was thrilled to see the world catching up to their benefits. She has penned three best-selling books: "Cultured Food for Life," "Cultured Food for Health," and "Cultured Food in Jar." Additionally, she hosts a weekly podcast and runs the fantastic website Her accomplishments extend to features in magazines, TV, and PBS specials. All her endeavors aim to share her knowledge, hoping to assist others in achieving optimal wellness. For her, cultured food means harnessing microbial power, assuring all of our abundant microbial allies.