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Ed Fu Piano

Ed Fu Piano

哈囉!我是靈魂配樂師Ed Fu(愛得富),一位熱愛彈鋼琴、改編與創作的音樂玩家,Youtube上可能會有人看過過去我以「匹亞(Piya)」為名演奏的影片,或是在手機音樂遊戲Deemo中聽過「Edmund Fu」的創作曲,那都是我,但不是由我親自分享的。現在我正式以「Ed Fu Piano」這個名字經營自己的Youtube音樂頻道,未來將會陸續發表鋼琴改編曲與原創曲,請各位多多指教哦!如果您喜歡我的演奏,別忘了訂閱、點鈴鐺,訂閱我的頻道哦!謝謝!

Hello, everyone, my name is Ed Fu, a free-lance piano musician and adapted/original music producer. Some of you might have watched the performance videos I released as “Piya” on YouTube, or ever listened to the original songs of “Edmund Fu” on Deemo, a rhythm game for cell phones. The above-mentioned songs and videos were produced by me but weren’t shared on my own. From now on, I will officially manage my own YouTube music channel as “Ed Fu Piano” and self-publish adapted and original piano music. Hopefully, you will enjoy my music. If you do, please subscribe my YouTube channel and click on the bell icon to get notifications for newly uploaded music. Thank you!