Fun & Interesting

Railroad Media Archive

Railroad Media Archive

Think of this channel as a museum of railroad-related audio-visual materials. Over the years I've collected different films, videotapes and audio from photographers who have passed on or have been given to me because "I'm the video guy". All I've wanted to do is digitize them at the highest possible quality, restore them, and share them with others. Contemporary high definition videos are taken by me.

For the railfans out there. Not every last detail of every video is known. Most materials have little to no notes about dates, locations and train info. That is why some of my videos have very basic information, and many questions are answered with "I don't know". Much of the information in video descriptions comes from my own knowledge and research.

Any donations or potential ad revenue from this channel go to paying for cloud storage, acquiring and refreshing hard drives, as well as general maintenance of computers and video gear.