Fun & Interesting

Modern Homestead Alaska

Modern Homestead Alaska

Welcome to Modern Homestead Alaska! We are large family taking on a "modern" Homestead in the beautiful state of Alaska.

A modern homestead is a place that lives in between the old ways and the new. Modern in use of running water indoor plumbing and electricity, access to health care and services like shopping and eating. Modern in road access and ease of travel. But it keeps the old ways or living in many of them. No service for things like gas or propane. Heating with wood and cooking with fire. Well water and septic on site, harvesting heating wood from the land, fishing, hunting and growing food. Bulk shopping of the most basic homestead supplies. Cooking from scratch and taking very little help from the store. Staying away from pre packaged processed and foods with no value. We make exception (that’s the modern part)!
It’s spending the day physically working hard, playing hard and kicking your feet up listening to the sound of the fire crackle knowing you earned the rest.