Holy Ghost Filled Ministries
The Official Holy Ghost Filled Ministries Channel.
We want to give you a future and a hope and joy by listening to our worship service every Saturday at 12:00PM CST.
You will get an impactful word so make sure you join in and subscribe. To help this channel to grow so more people can hear Gods word God bless you.
We pray as you listen to each message that you will be inspired, empowered and renewed to have a closer walk with God.
If you have a testimony about the amazing things God is doing in your life through our ministry let us know in the comment section below!
Sharing God Word to others.
#motivation #jesus #religiouseducation
#motivation #jesus #findingpurpose #religiouseducation #discoveringgodspurpose #biblestudies #biblestudy #faith #backtothebible #music