Kawaii animal doughnuts from Ikumimama in Kawasaki Japan
Japanese dounuts
Ikumi Nakao from Kawasaki.
Representative of Ikumi-mama inc. and the dounuts patissier.
Ikumi-papa(my husband) had to be hospitalized for a quite long time for twice in his thirties because of his junkie-food lifestyle.
from that experience he learned that some food additives which is approved by Japanese government are not safe at all for our body and health.
therefore we want decrease the number of people who's health are harmed by food additives because we think that nothing can take the place of health.
those are the reasons why we opend this animal dounuts shop.
we prodused more than 200 animal dounuts with our talented dounuts patissiers.
please visit us and enjoy our kawaii-animal dounuts☆