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Vinod Vani

Vinod Vani

In this channel (Vinodvani) we are reading articles, letters, instructions, life histories, etc. of great vaishnava acharyas such as Prabhupad Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Thakur to find out what is true vaishnavism. Vaishnavism real and apparent may seem to be the same externally. Therefore, many simple-hearted people are getting trapped by pseudo-vaishnavism. Our goal is to discover the right path prescribed by the stalwart sadhus so that we can follow them properly. In this age of Kali, there is a party-spirit almost everywhere which results in confusion and misunderstanding. It is crucial that we understand where we are attributing our faith.
In service of Sri Hari and Vaishnava