The Neurophile (by Rutgers RWJMS Neurology)
Welcome. My name is Igor Rybinnik, and I am Vascular Neurologist and Neurology Clerkship Director at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Hippocrates said, “From the brain only, arises our pleasures, joys, laughter and jests, as well as sorrows, pains, griefs and tears." Even in the 4th century BC, the father of medicine, recognized the paramount function of the brain and central nervous system in the human body. Centuries later, neurology emerged and developed into a large and diverse field firmly rooted in neuropathology, branching into theology and metaphysics, budding psychiatry and flowering neurological surgery. To me, neurology is the field that is best poised to define the most essential and elusive human concept -- the human soul -- and localize and treat its ailments. That is neurology’s irresistible allure. I am a Neurophile. Are you?