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Sapit Diary Vlog

Sapit Diary Vlog

Welcome to Sapit Diary Vlog. Terima Kasih sudah menonton. Like, comment, Share & Subscribe !

Channel ini memaparkan keseharian Lucy&Nancy sebagai kenangan dimasa depan. Berbagi pelbagai kegiatan dari Travel, Mukbang, Family time, Cooking, Camping, Shopping & Hangout. Semoga kalian yang menonton suka dengan channel ini dan teruskan support Sapit Diary Vlog. Tuhan Memberkati!
Welcome to Sapit's Diary Vlog. Thanks for watching. Like, comment, share & subscribe!

The channel presents the daily lives of Lucy & Nancy as memories in the future. Sharing various activities from Travel, Mukbang, Family time, Cooking, Camping, Shopping & Hangouts. Hopefully those of you who watch this channel always like the videos shared by Sapit Diary Vlog and continue to support Sapit Diary Vlog. God Bless!