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Welcome! I'm Alejandra Costello, professional organizing expert & life coach from Organize & Flow!

Since 2008 I've taught students in 132 countries around the world learn how to declutter & get organized. Why?

Because clutter can get in the way of life, trigger painful emotions, & damage our relationships. You?

Well, you deserve to feel great while focusing on what matters most: family, fun, health, spirituality, community, career, & personal growth.

On my YouTube channel, I share home organizing tips, techniques, and ideas, expertise on decluttering and organizing your house, and organizing product reviews for controlling the clutter.

Sign up to get notified when our next organizing challenge rolls out so you can get the kickstart you need to tidy up!


For customer support inquiries or potential joint ventures, please email: or call our office: 866-612-6567 (Mon-Fri 9-5PM ET)