Fun & Interesting



Hello dear visitor!
This channel contains some of my work,
i have a degree as a woodworker since 2009, And i hope you will enjoy my videos!

Besides sharing knowledge, one of my goals i hope to achieve by making video's is bringing also a calming experience.
I find it very hard to rush while editing a video, probably because i'm having trouble absorbing to much information myself.
If someone finds the video's relaxing/calming and insightfull, that makes it more worth for me than just giving the information.

I am sorry, but i don't sell plans or give project information or support trough e-mail.
I simply get to many of these type of requests for me to process.
I will only reply to custom order requests, or to interest in purchasing a product related request.
And fanmail is more than welcome ofcourse, i enjoy reading your messages alot :)

Thank you!