Here you will find all the info you need to cultivate a successful garden!
Welcome to Homegrown Florida, a channel dedicated to showcasing my journey as a Florida Gardener and Urban Homesteader.
With 7 years of experience, I find joy in nurturing plants that thrive in our warm, sub-tropical climate. Get ready for delicious recipes featuring produce straight from the garden. Embrace self-sufficiency through canning, dehydrating, teas, freeze drying, and medicinal remedies.
I believe in the importance of preserving our natural ecosystem and supporting local wildlife by incorporating native plants, attracting beneficial insects and pollinators. This channel is about building a community who share a passion for gardening, cooking, and self-sufficiency. Together, we can learn, grow, and inspire one another to cultivate a sustainable life.
About My Garden
🌴 Hernando County, Florida 🌱 Zone 9B
PO Box: 🏡 Homegrown Florida
📮 4142 Mariner Blvd, #232 Spring Hill, Florida 34609 - 2468