Fun & Interesting

Pinch of yum with Jyoti

Pinch of yum with Jyoti

Subject: welcome to my channel Pinch of Yum With Jyoti
Hello friends,
My name is Jyoti Trivedi, and I am the host of the channel “Pinch of yum with Jyoti “.| I specialize in creating simple ,easy and authentic Indian recipes along with dishes from other cuisines that are delight to recreate.
On my channel, I focus on sharing recipe videos that can be easily made using ingredients that are readily available.while my primary focus is on Indian cuisine, I also explore a variety of other culinary delights.
I love to connecting with my viewers on social platforms, so feel free to reach out and engage with me there,let’s share our love for cooking and explore the world of flavours together
Happy cooking
Jyoti Trivedi

I upload my video Monday to Friday.

मेरा नाम ज्योति है,मैं मेरे चैनल Pinch of yum with Jyoti पर सोमवार से शुक्रवार कुकिंग वीडियो डालती हूँ |
ज्योति त्रिवेदी
मेरी रेसिपी देखने के लिये आपका धन्यवाद |