Fun & Interesting



برای ارتباط با ما در توییتر به ما پیام دهید @tv_iran

IRAN TV focuses on news and history of Iran, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and other countries who are "Persian" is their mother tongue, I do not upload videos against the social community guideline. I promote the freedom of speech, human rights and democracy.Most videos are published in Persian language.

The information given in the videos includes my research and studies over hundreds of resources including books, newspapers, interviewing famous persons and talking with ones who have certain information about the subject of our videos. I am an independent journalist and so, you will not find any footsteps of governmental/ordered contents in my channel.
All the pictures and sources used for my channel are having required rights; however, if you find any conflict, please contact me and I will take an action immediately.

I do not insult any personal or group and all the information presented here are provided with their reference.