Welcome to Tarot Tantra. This channel is about tarot card reading. You should know that tarot card reading is a connect between you and the Universe. We connect to the universe and provide you the general reading. General reading may fit to you or may not be.
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पौराणिक कथा और परंपराओं की जानकारी के लिए हमारे दूसरे channel tarot44 को subscribe करे
🙏I am greatfull that you and Universe choose me for this reading🌌
I am a spiritual tarot reader(oshozen)and all other spiritual tarot deck
Tarot Teacher
Reiki grand master
Pranic healing
Crystal healing
Spiritual Healer (with different technique)
Law of attraction
Vastu consultant
Feng shui
Relationship Expert
Many Buddhism Technique
Benefit of Crystal
Link with 'Universal or Divine energy to channel healing for the Mind,Body and Soul.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻