Aparna - AstrologyArc 🧿 ❤️ ⭐ guides you and creates awareness within you through Astrology.
Astrology is the bridge between one's life & the cosmic mind. Natal Chart tells you about your personality, identity, motivations, emotions, your evolutionary path & purpose of your birth, go with what resonates.
Everything in the Universe including planets & stars have energy & consciousness and that's the basis of Astrology. To understand astrology some sort of grounding in it is appreciated, a spiritual inclination or an open mind. Intuition & introspection has as much role to play as rational thinking in Astrology. My approach is holistic, psychological, spiritual and practical. I am a self-taught Astrologer since 2008, a researcher & an observer of life, with keen interest in ancient wisdom to understand the deeper meaning. I am a Tropical Astrologer..
Love -
Aparna-- Astrologer
Contact me- astrologyarc@gmail.com