In a small, hand-built shop in a rural town lives a car artist like no other: Chad Hiltz aka “Bad Chad”. His one-of-a-kind creations spring from his imagination, a mind that never stops. Isolated and without extra spending money, Chad always had to be creative and resourceful. Using only basic tools and his limitless ingenuity, Chad will incorporate literally anything into his car builds, parts from a boat, airplane, even an old locker. Part MacGyver, part Willy Wonka, if Bad Chad can imagine it, he will find a way to build it. Each episode takes viewers into the mad mind of Chad as the team works together to build some of the most outrageous vehicles ever seen. The excitement is in the journey, watching Chad’s creative mind create one of a kind masterpieces on a workingman’s budget.
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Mailing address: 2671 HIGHWAY 358 CANNING NS B0P1H0