Fun & Interesting

Mentally Gone Reacts

Mentally Gone Reacts

Welcome to Mentally Gone Reacts! Our names are Caley Lacerda and Gabriella Lopes and this is hands down the most Mentally Gone corner on the internet. Here you'll find reactions coupled with in-depth post reaction reviews and first impressions, where we go completely off the rails and over-analyze absolutely everything you can imagine lol.

A little about Caley: I was born in Brazil and I moved around a lot growing up. I'm using this channel as a means to heal my soul through the assimilation of art. My only true goal is to always allow myself to feel everything fully and to convey my truth in the most purest and uncontaminated form possible. With the hopes of connecting with as many like-minded individuals as I possibly can!
Gabriella: As someone as awkward & insecure as myself, this channel takes some getting used to, but hopefully it shows that no matter your journey or perceived flaws: we all have a story worth telling.

Remembering that: "It's never wrong to be Mentally Gone!"