From Witch to Watered Woman. #newagetojesus Don't unsub or be scared off. I believe Jesus came to love people, more than anything else now that the scales have been removed from my eyes. My content is geared towards those who believe in love above all else.
My #spiritualjourney has been the plot twist of my life. You may have found me from my #astrology videos, and while I don't do astrology as much, because I don't need to, I still have a special place in my heart for it. I just want to show you something that I feel is truer than the astrology I knew B.C. I'm not here to demonize any belief systems. I'm only here to share with you what Jesus has taught me and transformed with in me, in a SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME. I was a #newage practitioner for over 10+ years and a #witch for six. Jesus literally transformed the darkest #shadows of mine within 1.5 years. That's WILDLY #goodnews - Join me and let's chat. I'm all about conversation and learning YOUR story. #jesuslovesyou #letstalk