Hello, 大家好 歡迎來到 米小鵝Michelle 頻道
Hello everyone my name is Michelle
米小鵝頻道 不定期更新!
I’m a Taiwanese who grew up in Shanghai
以前是美國 LA留學生4年+現在定居7年=11年🎉
I came to LA as an international student. Now I have lived in the US for 11 years
想用youtube 來紀錄鵝跟家人的生活點滴 希望大家會喜歡
I want to use YouTube to record the memories of me and my family. I hope you will like my channel
感謝大家的收看 希望可以做出更多有趣的影片
Thank you for watching and I hope I can create more fun videos.