Fun & Interesting

HOTR- (Huntin On The Rock)

HOTR- (Huntin On The Rock)

Huntin On The Rock, Newfies In The Yukon, and Macmillan Monsters series is a continuation of hunting experiences captured on film by myself, Deon Dicks. Huntin on the "Rock" has been a term we local Newfoundlanders are familiar with, it's simply a basic term that describes half of our amazing province Newfoundland, the other half being "the big land" Labrador.
Hunting has been part of my family for as long as I can remember, moose is nothing new to me, I have seen 100's here in this great province I call home but while guiding in the Yukon for nearly 10 years now and seeing the size of these moose I can never explain to you with words, you really have to see them for yourself. However, these videos will give you some insight into just how big they really are.