Iraqi Maqam (المقام العراقي)
المقام العراقي Classical Music of Iraq
صفحة تراثية فنية وثقافية تختص بالموروث الغنائي والموسيقي لارض بلاد الرافدين (المقام العراقي) وجميع انواع الغناء الكلاسيكي والتقليدي في العراق واعلام هذا الفن من الراحلين والمخضرمين. تأسست سنة ٢٠٠٨
اعداد وتحرير زياد قاسم الشالجي
The Iraqi Maqam is considered the most noble and perfect form of the maqam. It is native to Iraq with roots dating back to the Abbasid era; its current form has been known for 400 years in Baghdad, Mosul and Kirkuk. The maqam al-'iraqi has been passed on orally through the masters of the maqam, who cultivate the form especially in Baghdad. The Iraqi Maqam is recognized by UNESCO as An intangible heritage of humanity. The Maqam is traditionally performed by a vocalist (qari') and 3 musicians playing Santur (hammered dulcimer), Jawza (spike fiddle) and Tablah or Dumbuk (goblet drum). Sometimes a Riqq or Daf Zinjari (tambourine) also joins in. Chalghi al-Baghdadi is the name of this ensemble
Channel by Zeyad Kasem Al-Shalchi