Happy Apple Core Homestead
Welcome to Happy Apple Core Homestead. This channel was created to show you how I live the homestead lifestyle and how you can also. I love connecting with those with common interests. Sharing my knowledge, experiences, and flub-ups comes naturally to me. I want to encourage you, laugh with you, and engage with you.
My hope is that you learn something new in an easy way and feel empowered to endeavor upon your own dreams and goals whether they be large or small.
If you enjoy the content subscribe to my channel and feel free to comment.
By subscribing to this channel you will find tips on:
Healthy Living
Cooking & Canning Recipe Ideas
Herbal Remedies and Tinctures
Composting toilet
Bee Hives
Raising Chickens
DIY Eco-Friendly Sustainability
I hope you enjoy these homesteading ideas as much as I did sharing them with you.
Please make sure to check out my Etsy site: