Fun & Interesting

Elena Enchanted

Elena Enchanted

Blessings to all of you beautiful beings!

I’ve been a practitioner and an eclectic witch for over 16 years and am excited to share my journey with you. I’m thrilled to build a community of like-minded people who are seeking knowledge of magick mysteries throughout this universe.

I’m also a certified therapist with a pagan, and spiritual based approach to our healing and shadow work journeys. I love to combine that knowledge with my many years experience as a witch, so I can offer a unique and spiritual form of therapy.

I enjoy sharing my artwork, experiences, and magickal adventures. My full intentions for all of my platforms is to provide pagan-based teachings, to share my personal experiences and perspective on the world, as well as to provide a safe and positive community for all things spiritual.

Subscribe to join my little youtube family, and visit my website to discover more