Purely a gospel channel solely dedicated to preaching Jesus Christ and His mind. Understanding Him is pivotal to a Christian's journey and availing the substance for it is the prime purpose of this channel.
While Christ is the foundation of the gospel the Spirit is the One providing the substance for it. It is the channel's purpose to help viewers grasp the awesomeness of this union. It then is the idea of this channel to lead people to God's call and equip them for HIS service.
Loving God and Christ is often not easy from human point of view. However, loving God by the love He bestows on us is quite possible and joyful. It is the channel's priority to give that to the viewers. Coming from the Lord's church in India I obtained my Bachelor's and Master's degree in Bible from FHU, USA; a recipient of gold medallion in NT Greek Studies, but over the years was blessed to understand God according to His desire.
Always Remember: "Obey God & let perfect results follow"