東海エリアを中心に活動する釣りユーチューバー HAZEKINGです。釣りジャンルは全部!今も新ジャンルを開拓しています。初めて魚を釣ったときの感動をみなさんと共有するためSNSをスタートしました!釣りWeb雑誌HEATのライターも務めており、「明日釣りに行こう!」と思ってもらえる記事を目指します!
I am HAZEKING, a fishing youtuber active mainly in Tokai area. All fishing genres! I am still exploring new genres. I started SNS to share the excitement of catching my first fish with everyone! I am also a writer for HEAT, a fishing web magazine. I am also a writer for HEAT, a fishing web magazine, and I aim to write articles that make you think "Let's go fishing tomorrow!
I post every Friday!
I'm also a writer for HEAT, a fishing web magazine, and I'm aiming to write articles that make you think "Let's go fishing tomorrow!
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)