Fun & Interesting

TravelTransport 985

TravelTransport 985

Welcome to TravelTransport 985 (TT985SG). I film bus route visuals of different bus routes in Singapore. I also do special videos of touring places & transport facts. I am a Bus enthusiast who lives in Singapore & likes Public Buses, I record different public bus routes throughout the country & go to bus transport places.

-Bus route visuals will be premiered usually every Saturday at 7:15 AM(unless if there is a public holiday in that same week or nearby, then the video will premiere on that Public Holiday instead of that Saturday)
-Special video (excluding bus route visual specials) will premiere on random dates.
-Touring videos will be uploaded without premiering 1-3 days after the recording date of the video

Note that duplication or re-uploading of videos from the TravelTransport 985(TT985) channel is not allowed.