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Beneath The Veil

Beneath The Veil

Welcome to Beneath The Veil!
Our aim is to reduce the barrier to entry for new and returning players of DOTA 2. While the in-game tutorial has been a massive improvement to the overall quality of the player base; as the years have gone on and heroes have been released and updated, our dear developers haven't always been that clear about what has actually changed and what each skill or item can do when utilised to the fullest. That's where we come in! Here you'll find comprehensive mechanical tutorials that aim to not focus too much on the numbers and instead give you a holistic view of each item or ability we're highlighting. Understanding their inherent playstyle strengths, weaknesses and mechanical combos that aren't immediately obvious from their skill descriptions. We want you walking away from our videos with a nuanced understanding of each facet of the game so you can play your game, your way. We hope you love our channel! Consider subscribing?