Fun & Interesting

Cheap Seats Sports

Cheap Seats Sports

Welcome the Cheap Seats Sports Channel! Cheap Seats Sports is here to bring you sports content of the highest quality that you can expect from people who sit in the upper deck. Mostly this channel will be focused on the NFL, NHL, MLB, and NBA, and maybe some F1 here and there just to keep you on your toes.

It might also be worth mentioning that Seattle sports may get the spotlight more often than other cities. However all efforts will be made to keep bias out of any videos comparing franchises. So if you are a 49ers, Mike Trout, or Canucks (soon) fan, know that in spite the mistakes that have led you to make these poor life choices, this is a safe place... usually.

I try to post at least once a week. News, top 5/10 lists, history, and even the occasional rant are all fair game, sometimes even at the same time. I like numbers so many videos will have strong factual backing, but there will be plenty of opinions thrown around at times too. So you should have plenty to argue with me on.