World Mission Society Church of God
[About the World Mission Society Church of God YouTube Channel]
Welcome to the official YouTube channel of the World Mission Society Church of God(WMSCOG), which delivers hopeful future and happiness to humankind.
The Church of God preaches the gospel of the early Church Jesus established, and believes in Christ Ahnsahnghong [Jesus who came a second time according to the prophecy of the Bible] and God the Mother, thoroughly based on the teachings of the Bible.
Members from about 7,500 churches in 175 countries around the world are making efforts to practice love at home, and to take on the role of the salt and light of the world through volunteer services beyond borders, races, and religions just as God always loves us all.
This is the representative channel that connects to diverse channels about the Church of God, such as Church of God Introduction, Sermon, News, Campaign, Truth, Culture, New Song, ASEZ & ASEZ WAO, and so on.
May God Elohim abundantly bless all viewers!