Fun & Interesting

Brett Fox

Brett Fox

Welcome to brettfoxstartupceo. On my channel, I help early stage startup CEOs like you raise money and grow your business.

I love startups! I mean, I absolutely love startups!

I love the struggle. I love the sense you’re building something big. I love the thrill of getting a product to market and watching revenue grow.

But, it’s not easy, is it?

I know how difficult raising money truly is (63 Venture Capital Firms turned us down before the 64th funded us). I know how tough it is to get traction in the marketplace.

I know how tough it is to build a world-class company. I know what it’s like to epically fail. know what it’s like to win big.

My Promise to You:: I will not pull any punches.

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I look forward to helping you achieve success!

Brett Fox