Welcome to Burning Flames Ministries! Pastor Samuel Yadala here!
This Ministry is all about helping you AMPLIFY your Spirituality with Sermon Videos.
Its not Just about sermons but filled with God's Word which cleans the deep rooted sins from the hearts(people) of all age.
God's word says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3 : 23). So, it is His Word which call every human being to regain the glory through the Precious BLOOD of Jesus Christ (John 3 : 16).
Your pursuit of new life ends here for we Preach "those who are in Christ are New Creation" (2 Coranthians 5 : 17).
To grow more in your Spirituality and become a strong soldier to fight a good fight Join with us, support us by hitting that Subscribe button. Share with your beloved ones! World need the Word.