How did this all start?
In February of 2021 Alicia and I met in Florida and in under 1 month we dated long distance. It didn’t last long as she flew 3 hours then drove another 12 to see me and we never looked back. That very week we moved into a 2021 travel trailer. Alicia bought a truck and we pulled that trailer across the Midwest for 5 months. We lived, worked and saw amazing sights.
Fast forward a bit and you find us staying ins temporary home in Michigan while we find a Forever place to call home not on wheels. We love being adventuring the great outdoors, hugging trees, hunting mushrooms, chasing cotton Candy skies while also being self sufficient. Now a year later we find our selves on 15.32 acres where we will be renovating a run down old Camp into an Off-Grid Cabin. We are excited and nervous all at the same time as we tackle this project with our own two (4) hands making this the homestead of our dreams.
We really hope you tag along in our next chapter!