Fun & Interesting

Pink Lookbook

Pink Lookbook

I'm Dr. Liz, MSc, MA, a fashion/art historian and entrepreneur. I share my passion about all things fashion.

Fashion is for everyone โ€“ and it is more than just pretty garments and short-term trends.

Learn more about fashion history, the fashion business and the global fashion market. I explain the inspiration behind collections, how certain garments came about and how to understand and read the numbers of fashion companies.

Find playlists on iconic designs & collections, outfits worn on TV, fashion finance, fashion exhibitions and your most favourite designers and fashion personalities. Save them to your library to stay updated.

Disclaimer: All information provided on this channel is for educational and entertainment purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional investment advice. If you have questions about financial investments, please consult with a qualified and licensed financial professional.