ジムニーシエラで山や神社仏閣、観光地を巡る動画が主流ですが メダカやチンチラ、押し花等 はくちゃんの生活の中での出来事などを折り込んで投稿させて頂きますので 応援下さいますよう宜しくお願いします。
Hello, my name is Hakufu Haku-chan.
The name Hakufu means "to spread and know widely" and
I want to know as quietly as the wind. That is why I named myself Hakufu.
If I could, I dream to drive my Jimny Sierra all over the world. Anyway, I'll be taking videos of me going around mountains, shrines, temples and tourist attractions by my Jimny Sierra. I'll also be taking videos of killifish, chinchillas, pressed flowers and other events in Hakufu's daily life.