Fun & Interesting

Gilbert Arciniega

Gilbert Arciniega

WELCOME to my TIME MACHINE! If you are CURIOUS of how things looked in the 80s decade and 90s decade, YOU COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE!!! This channel is FILLED with home movies I made during the 80s and 90s decade! EVERY HOME MOVIE HERE IS ALL ORIGINAL AND FROM AN AVERAGE GUY! THIS WAS WHAT LIFE LOOKED LIKE ON A NORMAL DAYS DURING THESE TIMES. There is NO bull shit remakes or illustration videos of life in 80s 90s. MY VIDEOS ARE FOR REAL AND ORIGINAL!

God is a major part of my life! I've cast my cares upon the lord!

I LOVE the 80's. It's lots of fun talking about the 80's, as my videos show!!

There lots of little things that make life fun to live. As these videos show! From sharing different things to showing how to do some work on cars and etc!