The Professor
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This channel intends to provide the treasure of knowledge and appropriate strength of our Vedas and Shastra. The real picture comes out when you have complete knowledge and it takes time. Nothing comes without hard work and passion.
There are general questions like, How to analyze a horoscope? Kundali kaise dekhen? Kundali dekhna kaise seekhe, Jyotish Kaise seekhen? Janm kundli adhyayan ka sabse sateek tareeka.
This channel provide the answers of all these question related to Astrogy, Prediction, Parashari Jyotish, Maha Dasha Antardasha, Ashtavarga, Arglas, Hora Lagna, Ghati Lagna, Arudha Lagna, Divisional Charts, Gochar, Nakshtra jyotish and others.
Our aim is to conduct an in-depth study of Jyotish Shastra and reveal its secrets and exact knowledge to all helping them make their life better.