Fun & Interesting

Sharmane Coquilla

Sharmane Coquilla

Journal Keeper, Papercraft Creator & Penpal Enthusiat - Hi, I'm Sharmane and welcome to my channel!
Have fun exploring my creative escapades - join me fill me fill my journal pages, share paper fold tutorials, explore stationery shops around the world, connect with friends through mail and try out new craft hobbies.
I'm on instagram @shacee if you want to see regular updates!

Thanks for being here! And oh, here are some online treats from me to you:

Paperang Print - Bluetooth Thermal Printer
Affliate Link:
10% Discount Code: sharmane10

Paperwrld - Vintage Journaling Supplies
Affliate Link:
20% Discount Code: sharmane20

Inlove Artshop
Shop Link:
10% Discount Code: S3167

Skillshare Class FREE 14 days!