Fun & Interesting



Hello and welcome, I’m Paul, “oldmanwith”

Here and on my goal is to try and help

So, if you think you can’t do DIY, I’ll try to encourage you by showing you what I’ve done as a DIYer
If you think you can’t have a YouTube channel, watch my progress on this one (and maybe avoid some of my mistakes)
If you think you can’t have a website, join me on my website development journey
If you fancy paddleboarding, join me as I learn
And outside of that I throw in some tool reviews and info and answers to random questions that I’ve encountered.

Oh and if you think “oh no that’s way too complicated for me” just think about walking.
When you walk you do something hundreds of times more complex than cutting a piece of wood or putting up a shelf. Not only is it more complex but you probably learned it pretty much by yourself at an age where you also casually learned to speak.
So, you’re awesome, and now we have that cleared up, let’s get stuff done 😁
