Fun & Interesting

Frosty Garden

Frosty Garden

We are about cold climate gardening, growing from seed, off-grid gardening, subarctic growing, family scale food production, self-sustenance, community gardening, food preservation and sometimes just general northern living!

We've been operating the subarctic gardening focused website,, since 2015. Our efforts generally aim to help people become better cold climate growers using our experiential information, guides and topic focused articles.

Thank you for visiting our channel, we hope you find some things you like. If we've earned it, we'd love for you to subscribe.

Each and every sub counts for us.

If you want to know more about us, please visit us at!

Should you like some free stickers, please send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the following address. Return mail will be USPS stamped from the Alaskan Frontier! More info here:

Frosty Garden
P.O. Box 74907
Fairbanks, AK 99707