Kenny is from the city and therefor a City-ot, while Courtney spent more time researching shoes and wine then what went in her food. After only a few years of marriage, we felt the novelty begin to wear off. There was something missing in our marriage, our professional life, and our family's pulse. When Courtney lost her job, we started to research hobbies and began to do things together like garden and build the furniture we needed in order to save money. After Kenny began having health issues that nearly claimed his life, we became more deliberate about what we ate and how we spent our time together. Since then, we've completely upended our lives by raising animals for food and dairy, growing our own food, and building our own stuff. As a result of doing this together, we are healthier and closer than we've ever been before. Our Marriage is stronger and we feel like newlyweds every day... well not every day!