Fun & Interesting

Todoing Family - Caravan Road Trip Australia

Todoing Family - Caravan Road Trip Australia

#roadtripaustralia #caravanningaustralia #caravanroadtrip

We're travelling Australia in a caravan, sharing adventure. locations, lifestyle and experience whilst travelling as a family. We have a Jayco Journey Caravan, a 200 Series Land Cruiser and 3 boys aged 6, 8 and 11. Find out about the best spots to visit around Australia, as we complete our lap from Victoria, through South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory, Queensland New South Wales and back home to Victoria again. We have been recently to Tasmania and to Japan too.

Check out our Facebook page for Lifestlye on the road:

Check out Instagram for Locations & Experiences whilst travelling:

All this and more also available on our travel website: