StreamerTV - Streamer News & Highlights
In my videos, I cover & Speak about Streamer News from Twitch, Kick & YouTube. I add my own Commentary/Chat replays/Information.
I also have Permission from 500+ Twitch streamers to be featured in my videos & monetise.
I'm also dyslexic & I use Sources like, sportskeeda, Lsf Reddit, Twitter to help peace my videos. I apologize if I misread words
If you like to be featured in one of my videos & you have a funny clip DM me on Twitter or Contact via email.
SUBMIT CLIPS: - Permission Form
Please don't send any hate/harass any twitch streamer that featured in my videos. This is just
for entertainment. If any (Permission) streamer is unhappy with any clip pls email or DM on twitter & ill Fix/Remove the clip.