Fun & Interesting

Eru Elpidus

Eru Elpidus

Hello! I strive to make high quality WvW guides for Guild Wars 2 with a greater focus on getting new bloods into the game mode.
To those who cannot get a squad
Squads will often restrict the invite to those who are on discord and have a "meta build". ( Any of the builds in the "Meta" section is a safe bet unless the squad is completely private guild run.
Ask for the password to enter the squad if you are on discord, either in chat or on voice and just answer with the right password that the folks on discord give you.

How to get into discord
Just paste the discord link for your world into your browser, app not required.

EU worlds

NA worlds
NA prefers individual guild discords instead of server discords. You have to ask for the individual guild discord and the rest is the same.

Questions are welcome either here or ingame.
IGN: TheBHSP.8952
Guild: I Am Not Your [OPPA]