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🎓 Adobe计算机高级研究员
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I am interested in audiovisual cross-modal media synthesis using tools from computer vision, graphics, deep learning, and HCI. More broadly, I am interested in novel creative authoring/editing applications for everyone. My past research and engineering has been recognized by an Emmy Award 🏆 for Technology and Engineering (2020), two Adobe MAX Sneaks Demos ✨(2019 , 2020), an ACM UIST Best Paper Award 🏅 (2017), an Adobe Research Fellowship 🎓 (2017), a NVIDIA PhD Fellowship Finalist (2017), a Shapeways Educational Grant 🧧 (2016), and an HKUST academic achievement medal 🥇 (2013). I have served as international program committee members for Eurographics 2020/2021, Graphics Interface 2020, and ACM Multimedia 2019.