TL;DR: We've been friends forever and we watch sh*t together. - Sam
And now Jacqui's version...
We met in high school in 2009. Sam had bleached hair and I was wearing checkered pants. Thirteen years later, the styles have changed, but the friendship hasn't.
We both went to film school (I went to the fancy one and Sam went to the online one, so now I have student debt and he has a shopping addiction). But recently, I realized how behind I was in my movie watching, and Sam wasted no time in shaming me for it. Having spent an obscene amount of money to study movies, there was no excuse for me to not be watching them. Thus, The Shame List was born.
As I caught up, Sam and I would discuss each movie/show, and one day, I proposed the crazy idea that we film those conversations and share them on the internet. After all, what's the use of an overpriced film degree if you don't share it with the world? So, here we are, for your entertainment! Let the public shaming commence!